Visitors testimonials
Lovely surroundings, very hospitable, well directed and carried out, perfect for reflection and peace.
Space/time to enjoy an opportunity to reflect quietly. Very warm hospitality that wasn't intrusive. Sensitivity to needs of participants. Opportunity to reflect together.
Kindness and wisdom of the hostess & being given plenty of time of quiet reflection time in the garden.
This May I had the great pleasure of staying for a week in Tremorran and enjoying this beautiful garden and Annie’s deeply contemplative sculptures every day. I especially loved the Peace Garden with its great perfect circle made out of planted daffodils and the stained glass Nature painting where colours and light merge with the colours of the garden.
The whole garden is conducive to peaceful meditations – so many fascinating corners in which to be and with unexpected sculptures and poems coming to light around the winding paths. A high point was our guided meditation for peace in Ukraine in the large and beautifully-constructed labyrinth. A wonderful and restorative journey, in every sense.
One cannot fail to be inspired by the beauty of God’s creation on view from this amazing Quiet Garden location. Whether you are just looking for some quiet time and space away from the busyness of life or for a day of personal meditative prayer and spiritual retreat, the Watershed is the ideal location to connect with God. You will receive an extremely warm welcome from Tony & Anita.
I would personally recommend the spiritual mindfulness reflection that Anita offers as you start your time at the Watershed. It’s a great way to center oneself into who you are in the Lord and to be ready to receive from him throughout the rest of your visit.
We visited your church and maze on Sunday, in the pouring rain. It was a haven of peace . I can understand the pilgrimage element of visiting the garden. What spoke most to be was that you have such a small faith group, yet so much is going on. You are all obviously committed to The Lord, each other and spreading the word.
Hosts testimonials
I really appreciate this beautiful space, lovingly tended, planted and maintained. I am grateful for its rejuvenating atmosphere.
Beneath the gentle sound of church bells that have pronounced time and historic events for generations, I learn how to "be" with myself and God.
That place brings nourishment, clarity, creative refreshment and the space to reset and re-evaluate.
This special place like many of the other "Quiet Gardens" offers an oasis in our town. A peaceful place to pause and reset. We need these special places more than ever now.
I love our quiet garden and am grateful to Bob who gardens and tends it with creative vision, dedication and spiritual awareness.
We want others to "receive" what the garden has to give, and through our connection with the Quiet Garden Movement and our own events want it to be an ongoing place of joy and refreshment.
Sarah Shrimpton host of St Mary’s QG Bletchley
It’s wonderful to be part of the Quiet Gardens Trust and welcome people to our garden. It’s a huge privilege to share our sacred space through the seasons. This spring the snowdrops, crocuses and daffodils are witnesses of the resurrection, bringing so much joy and delight to people.
Already, even though the weather has been quite fresh, many folk have walked the labyrinth and it’s very special to hear their stories. I visibly see people change from the time they arrive in the garden to when they leave, restored, refreshed and transformed.
Being affiliated to the Quiet Gardens Trust is a blessing to us. It’s great to feel part of something bigger and know that people have the opportunity of coming ‘back to the garden’ to find peace and restoration.
Annie Henry host ofCome 'Back to the Garden' Tremorran Quiet Garden
We have been affiliated to the Quiet Garden movement for over twenty years in Sussex and now in Wales.
It is wonderful to be able to share our green space with others for rest and spiritual nourishment and we are continually enriched by those who come and spend time with us.
Tessa Holland host of Hirfron Wales
Patrons testimonials
The Quiet Garden Movement represents that increasingly vital space in our bewildered culture where our store of peace can be replenished, our creativity can be renewed, and our capacity for joy can be recharged. There is deep wisdom here, and invariably it overflows in love. Do get involved.
The Rt Revd John Pritchard
When I walk into our quiet garden I can be distracted by the fact that it is furiously busy with things growing; but I reinterpret it, if I can, as the worship of the Creator by the created.
A garden looking quiet to me is actually full of natural sound, the music of creation which is the music that I join in, every time I open my mouth to sing a hymn or to say a prayer. It’s a fundamental principle of going to church.
It is a fundamental principle of liturgy that our own services are simply joining in what is already happening which is the worship of all creation of the Creator. So a quiet garden isn’t quiet, it’s full of fabulous noise.
The Revd Lucy Winkett
The natural environment of gardens with their mixture of tending, cultivating and sanctified neglect, are places that draw me into the heart of God. They are places where I can dwell deeply, through being in the slip-stream of prayer, contemplation and renewal, and find life again in all of its abundance.
Through the work of the Quiet Garden Movement, I pray that this will also be true for many other people, and I remain grateful to those who open their gardens so that others can slow down and rest in God’s abundant love in Jesus.
The Rt Revd Graham Usher
A garden can be strong medicine to nurture and shape the soul. Gardens have a way of seeping in to your soul and you find yourself enjoying the air and watching for miracles. In a hurried and distracted world we need garden sanctuaries, places that ground us. We need Quiet Gardens.
Terry Hershey
In our day the great danger to the spiritual life is distraction.
May The Quiet Garden Movement lead us into new and creative ways to overcome this danger.
Richard J. Foster
We live in a world where we are swamped by methods of communication and yet we find ourselves unable to communicate. Silence is the missing and vital ingredient. Even as little as five minutes can be restorative and healing.
Philip Roderick
Being in a garden and working the soil stitches me back into nature. It reminds me that I am a part of nature and need to respect it and look after it and allow it to look after me in return.
Shane Connolly