Make a donation today and support the work of the Quiet Garden Movement worldwide…
Your contribution will help us…
- build on our work over 25 year to raise awareness and understanding of the benefits of the practices of stillness and contemplation in outdoor settings, particularly with a younger generation
- increase the number and range of Quiet Gardens
- increase our chances of success when applying to funding bodies and trust funds, with the potential for fundraising to be matched
- enable ongoing support and advice from the Movement to all Quiet Gardens Hosts
- and contribute to our core costs, such as office and staff costs.
Donate onlinevia Paypal
Make a one-off donation securely online via via PayPal website (No fees / 100% comes to us)
Make a regular donation
Make a regular monthly or annual donation by setting up a standing order with your bank using our giving form below
Donate by cheque or bank transfer
Donate by Cheque (payable to ‘The Quiet Garden Trust’) and by bank transfer using our giving form below