Bishop’s Lodge Quiet Garden
Place of worship in Leicestershire - England
A quiet oasis in the middle of a city, with lawns, a meadow and pond and plenty of seating.
Contact details
Name: Dr Lynn Snow
Telephone: 0116 2708985
The garden is a relatively large space for being in the city. There are trees and open lawn with various areas such as a meadow area and fire pit area. There is a medium pond with frogs/ tadpoles depending on the time of year. Dotted around there are places to stop and sit with benches and a small gazebo for shelter. It is a quiet oasis in the busy city with surprisingly little traffic noise.
Visitor information
There are no steps so relatively easy access but with gravel and wood chip paths so the whole garden would not be accessible by wheelchair.
The garden serves the Bishop’s office and the Bishop’s house. It is available for individual or groups if arranged in advance. Drinks and toilet facilities are either in the Bishop’s office or an outside privy!
Opening times
Open all year. We may run lead retreats from time to time but mainly the garden would be available for individuals for quiet days or even just an hour or two.
Bishops Lodge, Leicester , LE2 3BD