Sanctuary Quiet Garden

Private home in Kent - England

A warm welcome awaits you; to a garden with separate areas for quiet, solitude and prayer.

Contact details

Name: Trudy Kilcullen


Telephone: 07977978536


Even in cooler weather, you can enjoy the garden from a small prayer room in the house, or from a log cabin in the garden. 

Adjacent to the garden is a large secluded common area and churchyard, with plenty of local ‘off road’ walks – space for reflection, rest, renewal and reconciliation as you make withdraw from the demands of daily life in order to rest in God. 

Enjoy the space on your own, with a small group, or join with others on a programme of occasional reflective days/ prayer days/activities. 

Visitor information

For those who just want space for personal reflection and private prayer, the side gate will be open between on the first Friday of the month - wander in, find a place to sit, bring your prayer book, your art materials or whatever you find useful and take your own personal space for reflection. The prayer cabin, toilets and refreshments will be available
Many individuals and groups are booking the space just for themselves. If you want to discuss your own needs and perhaps reserve time on your own, for a group you belong to, do feel free to contact me and if I can facilitate it, I will do so!.

Opening times

Appointment only and First Friday of each month September 6th to October 4th
10am to 4pm. No need to book for this - just drop in - make the most of the space!
During the winter – from November 1st through to March times will change from 10am to 2pm


Swanley Village, near St Pauls Churchyard Swanley Kent BR8 7UX

What3Words: hood.hill.taps
