Worth Abbey Quiet Garden

Retreat centre in West Sussex - England

A quiet place of reflection, within the grounds of a Benedictine monastery.

Contact details

Name: Fr Patrick Fludder OSB

Email: retreats@worth.org.uk

Telephone: 01342 710318

Worth Abbey

Benedictine spirituality has long been associated with respect for the local environment and
appreciation of God’s work in nature. Worth Abbey, a Benedictine monastery in West Sussex, has
created a Quiet Garden which is available to visit by anybody looking to encounter God through
prayer and reflection on nature and creation.

Visitor information

Opening times

Available to visit all year round.


Worth Abbey, Paddockhurst Road, Turners Hill, CRAWLEY, West Sussex,
RH10 4SB

What3Words: bookmark.strongly.pushing


Worth Abbey is located close to Crawley and the M23, just 32 miles from London and 22 miles from Brighton, making it easily accessible via the UK road network. From the main car park the garden is well signposted along a trail of approximately 500m.

Worth Abbey