Share peace & quiet in this lovely town centre garden on the first Sunday of each month. Coffee and biscuits are provided after. Friends Meeting House Opposite Littlehampton Town Hall & Museum. More information can be found here
First Tuesday of the month, ten times a year.... Do you need We offer Time to reflect, Peace and stillness, Space to be alone, Solitude, a beautiful garden, Somewhere to pray, Someone to talk to, if you wish, Someone to listen.…
We meet at 10.00 for a welcome and a reading and then enter into silence. Rest there. You may simply reflect and watch the wildlife or you may paint, draw, write, read or pray. You are free to move around and explore the church and churchyard and to make a drink whenever you wish. We…
Soup & Silence - arriving 12.15am for soup and a bit of chat, 1-1.30pm silence. Come 'Back to the Garden' to find peace, stillness, healing and restorationat Tremorran Quiet Garden Tel: 07768 166309 Email:
Rosemary Drew & Richard Twinn We will examine this wide-spread view and hear stories of reasons why people are leaving the church or not joining. The day is designed both to raise awareness and to understand. Richard is a former teacher who is currently on sabbatical. He devotes time each day to meditation, yoga, housework,…
Plesae join us to experience the daily rhythm of monastic prayer which will include the Benedictine Offices. Please contact Christine tel:07514548289 or Celestria tel:01442 381566 to book a place
Arrive 11am for coffee and biscuits; 11.30am-12.30pm saunter in the garden sharing poems, stories, blessings and silence. Come 'Back to the Garden' to find peace, stillness, healing and restoration at Tremorran Quiet Garden. tel:07768%20166309 or email
The hymn Guide me O thou great Redeemer expresses the fears and hopes of the pilgrim’s journey: conscious of weakness and inadequacy yet held safe by a mighty hand; lost in a wilderness yet led by fire and cloud; hesitant in moving forward yet drawn to cross the river. This day will help us explore…
Take time out of your daily routine. Cultivate an awareness of the natural world. Focus on observing, listening and being attentive. Quiet Mornings are led by a team of volunteers who guide participants through a series of simple exercises, providing opportunities for quiet reflection, and time to share. Time is set aside to walk the…
Share peace & quiet in this lovely town centre garden on the first Sunday of each month. Coffee and biscuits are provided after. Friends Meeting House Opposite Littlehampton Town Hall & Museum. More information can be found here